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¨ FlowGate GIA
¨ FlowGate UTM
¨ FlowGate Firewall
¨ FlowGate IPS
¨ FlowGate VPN
¨ FlowGate Router
¨ FlowGate Bandwith
¨ FlowGate Load Balance
¨ FlowGate Storage
FlowGate UTM-G5000
  Unified Threaten Management is a hardware product being specially based on ASIC ,which offers the protection on border of the network at any time .
FlowGate Firewall
 FlowGate firewall system is a set of overall, innovates, high security , high-performance network security system.
FlowGate Storage
  Concentrate many kinds of functions of management on an operating interfaces. The management category include job management , resource management , backup and backup recover , which help users operate.
> FlowGate Protect and Guide for Internet secural products, major internet for China netcomcommunication group corporation sichuan branch.
> FlowGate Pilot model items for award of contract national "construction project”


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